Wednesday 14 August 2013

Nick's Picnic

Thank you to everyone that came to the picnic.

The weather was variable, but we managed to enjoy the sun for a while.

I had a really good time.

Thursday 27 June 2013


Phrasal Verbs aren't only a verb followed by a preposition. When we understand their use and rules it is easier to get your English more fluent and correct.

Phrasal Verbs are everywhere in English, They are in magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, etc.. I belive it is posible for you to talk with a foreigner without making use of Phrasal Verbs.

For this reason the importance of studying and, learn they. They will help you communicate and understand what you are told.


Carolina Capridi

Wednesday 26 June 2013


In this BLOG, i write about great writers and their books, interesting articles, news and many more about reading.
Here in Dublin, there is a museum about writers -THE DUBLIN WRITERS MUSEUM- i want to go the museum, but i am waiting for more information about it.
There are also several libraries that you can learn about irish culture from before ireish independence until now.


Nelson Mandela, more known as Mandiba, is in the hospital in Petroria. He has an pulmonary infection and his condition is deterioreting. Mandiba is 94 years old and he was the first black President of South Africa. He lidered in South Africa from 1994 to 1999.
According to Jacob Zuma, the current President of South Africa, his health is grave and asks, "pray for Mandiba".
In 1993, Nelson Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize because he helped to finish apartheid and implement a democracy in South Africa.
In African language, apartheid means "divide lifes".

Wednesday 27 March 2013


-2 Cup of rice
-1 kg of potato
-800g of sausage
-salt to taste
-2 tablespoons of butter
-1 cup of milk
-500g of tomato paste
-400g of sliced cheese
-Seasoning to taste
* for 4 people.


            This recipe is done in four steps, first to prepare the sauce, then make the mashed potatoes, cook the rice and finally put into a bowl.
Cut the sausage into cubes, then fry in an over low heat for about 5 minutes, add the tomato paste, salt and seasoning to taste.
            -MASHED POTATOES
Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, and place them in a pot with water to cook. Once they are cooked, mash them and add butter, milk and stir until blended. Set aside mashed potatoes, and start cooking rice.
Cook rice and set aside in a bowl.
Take the first half of mashed potatoes and put in bowl, forming the first layer, the first half rice pour over the mashed potatoes, now put half the sauce over, cover with slices of cheese, now make another layer with the rest of each.

By Daiana Foss


Good carbohidrates, proteins and vegetables.

Ingredients: 300 g Chicken
                  300g Organic Pasta
                  200g Brocoli
                  Olive Oil
                  Sea Salt (ground salt)


Chicken and Brocoli: Dice the chicken into small peaces and the brocoli in the middle (each part). Put olive oil in a big frying pan. When the oil is hot, put the chicken and cook for 5 minutes and then add the brocoli and sprinkle with sea salt (to taste). Cook for more 15 minutes. Thats ok.
Pasta: Put 1 litre of hot water in a pan then add past and to cool for 7 minutes. When it is right, put in a coulander and pass under cold water.
You can mix or serve separate (if you prefer separate, you can add tomate sauce to the pasta).
Have a good and healthy meal.

By Marcos Ribeiro



2 cups of cassava (mandioca) flour
2 bananas
1 onion
1 smoke pork sausage
200 g bacon

Sliced the bananas, onion, smoke pork sausage and the bacon, and put aside.

Put a little oil into the pan with the bacon and smoke pork sausage, when it is fried add the onion and fry it too. Next add the bananas, cassava flour and the salt. Mix everything and fry it for a few minutes, approximately 10 minutes. Serve as an accompaniment of feijoada or barbecue.

By Raquel Fernandes